Upcoming Events:
Next Sneax on Saturday is March 29th at 7pm
Sneax on Saturday is Feet on Friday’s sporty and more chavvy younger brother.
You can expect the same friendly and playful atmosphere you have come to ejnjoy at Feet on Friday, but with a sportier vibe – to keep things on theme, Sneax on Saturday operates a dress code of Trainers/Sneakers.
Sneax on Saturday is primarily for guys who are into guys’ trainers/sneakers, socks and feet.
No Event scheduled in April
In April, we’re taking a break, but don’t panic – we’ll be back in May
Next Feet on Friday is May 16th at 7pm
Our monthly event for guys who enjoy all aspects of guys’ feet, socks and footwear.
Feet on Friday is about creating a friendly meeting place for guys to meet guys who enjoy feet, socks, footwear and related things. Feet is just the beginning – there are a whole spectrum of interests: feet, toes, socks, shoes, sneakers, boots, pedicures, boot shine, trampling, tickling and more…
About our events...
Our events are promoted to the gay fetish community: Guys who are into Guys’ feet, socks and footwear.
Doors open at 7pm and the last entry is 11pm. We close at midnight.
Entry is £10 and we although we accept cash, we prefer card or contactless payment. We occasionally run promotions, so please join the mailing list (see bottom of the page) to keep up to date.
We provide a cloakroom where you can leave your coats and bags. There is no extra charge for this. There is a small changing area to the left of the bar, near the bathroom.
We have a bar area that serves a variety of drinks where you can socialise and chat to others – we keep the music at a volume where you can have a conversation without having to raise your voice. The organisers try and hang out here so we can welcome you and make sure new visitors are looked after, but we don’t catch everyone so don’t be afraid to come say hello.
The play areas have a variety of seating arrangements and soft foam tiles on the floor which makes play comfortable and clean. Some areas are more open and some areas more private to cater for those who like to show off and those who don’t.
We ask that you don’t take drinks into the enclosed play areas – they inevitably get knocked or spilled which means the floor tiles get wet which is unpleasant for others and makes a lot of work for us.
Consent and Consideration for others: Always ask first. If someone says no, don’t ask again. Anyone harassing others will be removed and barred.
Photography and Privacy: In the smartphone age it is impossible to ban cameras without also banning phones… so we simply ask that you do not take photographs or video inside the club without seeking explicit permission first.
Engaging in any activities that cause a mess or put others at risk are not allowed.
Smoking and Vaping is not allowed anywhere in the venue. You need to go outside to do this. We don’t mind giving you your coat back if it’s cold.
Anyone using, possessing or under the influence of illegal drugs will be removed and barred from the venue, including all other events.
Finding us...
We meet in the Underground Club, which is beneath Central Station, located on the corner of Wharfdale Road and Balfe Street.
The address is 37 Wharfdale Road, London N1 9SD
The entrance to The Underground Club is a separate side door, not via the main bar.